The travel time from Shimla to Churdhar varies based on the route and mode of transport. By road, it takes around 4β5 hours to reach Nohradhar, the base for the trek. From Nohradhar, the Churdhar trek takes 6β8 hours (approx. 18 km) to reach the summit. The total journey can take 10β13 hours depending on pace and weather conditions. ποΈπΆββοΈ
It would take around 6 hours of road travel and then 3 hours of climb from from Sarahn to Churdhar peak. So the total time must be anywhere between 9-10 hours based on individuals. Having said that you might be able to just reach Sarahan the first day and then take your trek to the peak next day so total time if around 24 hours IMO.
It would take around 6 hours of road travel and then 3 hours of climb from from Sarahn to Churdhar peak. So the total time must be anywhere between 9-10 hours based on individuals. Having said that you might be able to just reach Sarahan the first day and then take your trek to the peak next day so total time if around 24 hours IMO.
It will take 4 hr 40 min (121.1 km) via Kufri Bypass Rd. Start your journey from Shimla by using the Chaupal-Saharan route. The Churdhar trek distance is around 32 km with the maximum altitude of the peak at around 12,000 feet.